Water Operator
City of Richmond
City of Richmond City Hall Annex
600 Morton Street, Richmond, Texas 77469
Phone: (281) 342-0559, Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
24-Hour Emergencies: (281 )342-0559
Report a Water Problem
The Wastewater Department is responsible for the comprehensive management of both collection and treatment of the City’s wastewater.
Currently the Wastewater Department operates two Wastewater Treatment Facilities, along with 14 lift stations throught the collection system and The City ETJ. The department recently updated and expanded the Richmond Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, increasing capacity and is now permitted to treat 3 million gallons per day by the State of Texas with room to add on if needed in the future. The Wastewater Department’s current daily treatment average is 1.5 million gallons per day.
Public Notice – MUD 121 UCMR5 Sampling
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires that every five years the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publish monitoring requirements for priority contaminants that may be present in drinking water and do not have EPA drinking water regulatory standards. The EPA established the Fifth Unregulated Contaminant Rule, 5th edition (UCMR5) for testing of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals. They are considered “forever chemicals” since they do not easily break down into the environment. PFAS are a diverse group of thousands of man-made chemicals used in a wide range of consumer and industrial products due to their resistance to grease, oil, water, and heat. These qualities allowed them to be applied to nearly any material, to make them water, oil, and stain resistant. PFAS are used in fabrics, carpeting, non-stick pans, cleaning products, paints, personal care products, food-packaging, fire-fighting foams, and other products.
The EPA selected MUD 121, one of 800 small systems nationally, for PFAS testing to sample for contaminates. These contaminants may be present in drinking water but are not yet subject to EPA drinking water standards. The data collected from sampling will be used to support EPA’s future regulatory determinations. Testing was completed in March and September of 2023. For more information, click HERE.